
Well-being follows from our thoughts and actions, we organize, in the experience of our life. Some we control and others we do not. Well-being flourishes in the definition of our own goals and in the pursuit of meaningful relationships.

Whoever invests in well-being guarantees his return on investment (ROI).

WellBeingDesign puts well-being on the map, in our personal and social life, as well as in our environment, policy and society.

What is well-being? How do we deal with it? Why is well-being vital? Together we want to work with you to realize the visceral difference. Health in combination with wellbeing is wealth.


You want to hold a team-building for your wellbeing staff. You want a workshop for your staff on wellbeing in your residential care centers or hospital. You want to organize training for your wellbeing staff in your spa center. You want to continue your skills in wellbeing to become a Master.

You want to study online and learn everything about wellbeing, with the regularity of the clock, we will offer courses.

As CEO, manager or HR manager you want to know more about wellbeing @ work. Or you want a fun and inspiring practical workshop for your staff on wellbeing, relaxation and breathing. For all this information and so much more you can visit our Academy.


Understanding the world of wellbeing, learning everything about well-being, is first and foremost … experiencing and learning

WellbeingDesign specializes in a range of practical, exciting and above all fun experiences, practical workshops and formats for individuals (in the sense of weekends and workshops) but also for professionals (workshops, training, formats or à la carte).

Make an appointment, and based on your questions, needs, we can draw a workshop or a wellbeing course in very concrete terms! Invest in well-being now, subscribe to our newsletter or book an experience.


Your state of wellbeing, our mission


We welcome HR policy that focuses on wellbeing. But what is wellbeing in the corporate culture? How do we bring it to the workplace in concrete terms? And why? If you want to invest in wellbeing in your company, we are happy to advise you.

Healthcare providers such as patients both need sufficient well-being at work and in the patient journey. What is wellbeing in the healthcare sector? Here too we bring a strong and story.

Spa and wellness centers provide relaxation and experience centers, so it ‘s time to consider wellbeing as an added value for the customer, as well as the staff. Mystery visits, workshops, advice on the work floor, as experienced spa managers we are happy to assist you.

Wellbeing travel

Learn by doing. Travel inspires us. We will gladly take you again. Twice a year we organize a trip around wellbeing for a limited group, coupled with special wellness and spa-city experiences. You will have sufficient time to relax and enjoy. To get a taste of culture. During the trip we give two master classes on wellbeing. Be early and register now. We are already looking forward to it !.

Keynotes & presentatons

In recent years we have given presentations and lectures for HR managers, advisory bureaus, at universities and colleges in the Belgium and abroad, we have given presentations for the elderly and the young, we met foreign delegations, we have given lectures for cosmetics wholesalers, service clubs , in wellness and spas, for companies … too many to mention.

During keynotes Lex and Marijke guide you in finding the right story for a better daily life, the balance between work and private life, wellbeing in the workplace, …

Both speakers are very good listeners and are able to create strong stories based on imagination, true empathy and clear presentation skills. Moreover, they are both interesting discussion partners, always ready with constructive advice, open to share knowledge and expertise on wellbeing.

INvest now in WellbeinG