
01 – Training: Introducing Wellbeing

This workshop (180 min) will be offered exclusively in the spring of 2022. The past two years have taken their toll on our daily lives. If you want an introduction to the world of well-being, preventive health and positive psychology, then you have come to the right place. What is well-being? How does it work? Why do we have to guarantee not only our health but also our well-being every day! These insights and much more will be presented to you in a practical way during this session.

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Online courses

04 – Course : Wellbeing Advice for Caregivers at Home

This course is aimed for caregivers and care-takers at home. Caregivers are an essential part of our society. Just under three quarters of a million people care for twice as many people in need of care. And since the endemism that is plaguing this world, the number of informal caregivers has grown exponentially. Lex and Marijke are experts in informal care. This course is aimed at the home caregiver and the umbrella organizations of these caregivers. Home carers sometimes lack time and space. With very concrete suggestions, we aim to provide carers with insights to ensure their own health, also

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02 – Course : Introducing Wellbeing in Hotels, Restaurants and Pubs

During the day, humans undergo 90,000 stimuli. Man is a social being. The hospitality industry plays a very important role in the social well-being of people and customers. As a catering operator or staff member, what exactly do we have to pay attention to. Hospitality, with safety still on the proscenium, viewed from a completely different angle. Challenge your staff and dare to invest in well-being. Make an appointment now. This course (of 180 min) is developed in Roeselare, in situ and also tailored to your company. For max. group of 20 people.

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